We provide services on the basis of a certificate of professional competence in risk prevention pursuant to Act No. 309/2006 Coll.
We will prepare an analysis and risk assessment to determine appropriate measures to ensure a safe and non-hazardous work environment. We are based on the employer's obligations set out in Act No. 262/2006 Coll., The Labor Code, as amended: The employer is obliged to create a safe and non-hazardous working environment and working conditions by a suitable organization of safety and health at work and taking measures to prevent risks. (§ 102, paragraph 1).
Risk prevention means all measures resulting from legal and other regulations to ensure safety and health at work and measures of the employer, which aim to prevent risks, eliminate them or minimize the effects of irreparable risks (§ 102, paragraph 2).
We perform regular inspections of the level of safety and health protection at work, especially the state of technical prevention and the level of risk factors of working conditions, while adhering to the methods and methods of detecting and evaluating risk factors according to
NV No. 361/2007 Coll., Which lays down the conditions for health protection at work.
We will develop measures to deal with emergencies such as accidents, fires and floods, other serious dangers and the evacuation of staff. Depending on the type of activity and the size of the workplace, we will propose the required number of employees who organize the provision of first aid, ensure the call of medical aid, fire brigade and police, and organize the evacuation of employees. We will ensure, in cooperation with the occupational health service provider, their training to the extent corresponding to the risks occurring at the workplace.
The services provided can be performed:
Within the scope of a one-off audit to determine the current state - risk assessment or as short-term, medium-term or long-term risk management at work.